Paul Harris Fellows
These Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club members have supported humanitarian aims and Rotary programs by giving at least $1000 to the Rotary Foundation over their lifetimes.
Neil Ames *
Bill Bailey *
Judy deGraw *
Rick Elder
Chip Griffin *
Doug Harley *
Frank Helman *
Marty Peak Helman *
Jim Herbold *
Ken Honey *
Muriel Jacobson *
Bob Jacobson *
Connie Jones
Bill Kautzmann *
Skip Kreahling *
Sue Kreahling *
Jeff Long *
Ham Meserve
Bob Pike *
Mike Pollard
Robin Reed
Bruce Tindal
Craig Tukey *
* denotes multiple Paul Harris Fellow (recipient has given a lifetime total of $2000, $3000 or greater multiple of $1000 to The Rotary Foundation)