Literacy Projects
The Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club gives dictionaries each year to all second graders enrolled at BRES, Edgecomb Eddy and Southport School. And the club also helps make it possible for all youngsters in first through third grade to choose several books of their very own each year. “It’s important that we encourage our young students to read,” says Rotarian Tammy Blackman, who spearheaded the Dictionary Project. “It’s great when parents read to their kids. But that isn’t always possible, and as they get older and a bit more independent, our children need to be encouraged to read on their own.” Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club members visit the schools to deliver the books and help the kids sign their name in the Rotary bookplates in each book.
Here, Tammy distributes dictionaries while Southport School teacher Misty Marston looks on.
Our dictionary and literacy projects continue our Club's long involvement to promote learning. The Club gives a book to the Memorial Library each time we invite a speaker to address us, and we are also a big supporter of the Boothbay Region Student Aid Fund.
A student writes a thank you note to Rotary